Tracking my efforts to beat Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), aka CFIDS, aka CFS

Tracking my efforts to beat Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), aka CFIDS, aka CFS

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Envy for the "healthy" (or Slob MEme)

I'm at the supermarket yesterday, and I get into the checkout line behind this rather unkempt gentleman who proceeds to unload his shopping cart with the most appalling parade of processed junk food.  I'm standing there with a small hand basket of almonds, plain yogurt and bottled water.  And I'm thinking, even with all my healthy habits of late, this guy could probably take me in a first fight!  I hate him for it.

I suppose envy of the healthy is something most new PWME's have to deal with at some point.


  1. oh man, you hit the nail on the head with this one! I have very similar experiences all the time

  2. Believe me its not just the 'new' people with ME that have to deal with this - it does get a bit easier over time but after 7 years I still find that envy creeping up on me ocassionaly! :)

  3. What ticks me off is when people complain about exercising. SERIOUSLY!! Holy crap you are lucky you can still climb stairs!

  4. lol CFS is a strange beast.
