Thursday, July 11, 2013

Two Year Sick-iversary

I passed my two year sick-iversary recently.  For many PWME's, that's not very long at all.  For me, nonetheless, it was disappointing.  When I started researching ME/CFS about a year and a half ago, the fist thing I wanted to know was, "what are the chances of recovery?"   (I posted my findings here and here).   A common mantra on message boards was:  You have the best chance of recovery within the first two years.  Yet here I am two years later, slightly improved from my initial "acute phase," but still a long way from recovery.  Hence my disappointment.

On the other hand, I've heard different versions of the 2-year mantra.  Sometimes it's 3 years, sometimes 5 years.  This website says that prime range for recovery is 3 to 6 years, which would mean I haven't even reached the first milestone yet.  So I'm keeping hope alive.  I'll save the pity party for when I pass the 6 year mark.


  1. Not the happiest anniversary to celebrate, but let me at least mark it with my thanks for your blog. I've read it regularly from the start and am grateful for your detailed account of your treatment plan and your responses. I'm sorry to hear that Dr. C. has exhausted his bag of tricks for the moment. I've also had to reset my horizon from the two-year to the five-year mark...or, after reading this post, to six :) I wish you the best, Patrick.

    1. Carola, I really appreciate your note. Here's hoping that we both get better long before that six year mark!

  2. I am a bit past that point, since my 3 year ill-aversasy is in early December. Like many, I can remember the day like it was yesterday when I came down with what seemed like a benign flu bug. Little did I know that the days just prior to that may have been the last purely healthy days I experienced in life. Never ever could have imagined that this long after that day I would still be fighting through all this on a daily basis. Certain holidays come along (like the 4th of July) where I think back to when I was "healthy" a few years ago compared to now. I think I have improved a bit, but that may be attributed to better managing this, and sorting through all the supplements/treatments that tend to work for me. Most anniversaries are a call for celebration, sadly this one is anything but that.

    1. "Little did I know that the days just prior to that may have been the last purely healthy days I experienced in life." I can really relate to that. I sometimes think about those last few days before I got sick...they were really busy, active, healthy, fun summer days. I'm glad I didn't know what was coming because that would have ruined them.

  3. I'm at 8 years this summer and I've decided to throw away all predictions on the best chance of recovery. I know that the statistics available say that with every year I continue to be sick, its becoming more unlikely I'll ever recover but I tell myself that those are only statistics. I still think that somehow I'll be the exception to the rule! And exceptions do exist. Don't loose heart!

  4. I'm with Miriam. We'll be the exceptiions. I don't predict anything either since I'm past my silver anniversary. However, I've gone from 10% to 50% of my former energy. Now, if I could have some mental stamina....
