Thursday, January 12, 2017

I have active EBV infection....again?

I received a phone call from my doctor's office today.  Results of a recent blood test show that I am positive for Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) IgM antibodies.  This shouldn't be possible since I have already had EBV in the past.

EBV is a common viral infection which almost 95% of the population has had but, for unknown reasons, it becomes chronic in a tiny portion of the population.  Over the years, research into ME has at various times focused on EBV only to lose interest and move on to other subjects.  It may be that EBV infections are part of the cause for some ME patients and not for others.

IgM antibodies are the first antibodies to respond to an infection.  They give way to IgG antibodies after a few days or weeks. If the person is ever exposed to the same virus again, the body would not produce IgM antibodies the second time.

Right now, I'm looking at my lab results from the year 2005.  They show as positive for an EBV infection, both IgM and IgG.  I was experiencing mononucleosis symptoms at the time, so these results from 2005 may indicate my first exposure to EBV.

I was tested for EBV again right after I came down with ME in 2011 (before any diagnosis), and the results showed negative for IgM, positive IgG—consistent with past infection.  Nothing surprising there.  It was tested again two times after diagnosis, in 2012 and 2014, but only IgG and IgA were tested.  Both times IgG was of course positive, and IgA was negative.

So this latest test result shouldn't be possible, as far as I know.  I called and moved up to doctor's appointment to Monday because I am puzzled and a little concerned.  It's possible this is merely a lab error, but then again, maybe not.  Maybe its time to go back on an antiviral medication such as Valacyclovir?


  1. Man that is a puzzler indeed. Hope you get some answers soon. I just recently retested for HHV6, CMV, and EBV. In 2013 they were all high, and even though I've been doing better in the past year, they all still show about the same levels as in 2013. I agree that there may be a latent infection aspect with one or more Herpes class viruses as part of CFS/ME.

    1. Hi. One of my doctors told me that even if I started to feel better, my IgG titers for CMV, EBV etc would not likely improve. That's one of the reasons I am a little bit skeptical that IgG titers are useful to track progress or reactivated infections. But others obviously think otherwise. It's an interesting issue.

      Glad to hear you have been feeling better!

  2. I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are having a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your linked header on our new site directory, As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the linked header will attract more attention.

    P.S.: I have been suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 1993.

  3. Hi Jerry. That would be fine to display Quixotic's header on your website. Thank you for asking and Happy New Year to you too.

    1. Thank you so very much for giving permission. You can see your linked header under All, Daily Life, Scholastic/Sciences and the United States. If you could say something (preferably good) about here and there, we would greatly appreciate it.

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  5. Hi Patrick, Thankyou so much for your blog I find it incredibly helpful. Your reviews on your doctor appts especially with Dr Chia who I would love to see but I'm in Australia and the record of your meds and supplements that you take are invaluable help for my own management and understanding of ME and chronic Enterovirus infection. I have ordered equilibriant and would like to know how Dr Chia recommends taking it eg with or without food, morn or night? I am starting with one and hoping to work up to the full dose of 6. Does he recommend splitting the dose eg 3 in the morn and 3 in the evening or taking all 6 together?? Your advice on the topic would be greatly appreciated as well as information on the dose you are taking both currently and historically. Thankyou again for sharing your journey, Hannah
