Friday, July 22, 2016

Have You Seen This Table of Recent ME Research Findings?

I don't know what saintly person created this table of recent ME research findings, but I wish I could thank him or her.  I'm always looking for ways to simplify and makes sense of the vast amount of information that comes at us in the ME community.  Recently, I have felt less motivated to keep up with all of the research findings because it all starts to seem like disconnected noise after a while; none of it leading to any real-world solutions for us.  Charts like this are helpful to see the "big picture."


  1. This is brilliant - thank you so much for posting!

  2. Have you ever had a Sinus swab done for bacteria and fungus?

    1. For bacteria definitely. I'm not sure if it covered fungus...

  3. Thank you SO MUCH! I'm in Israel, and besides the language barrier, my neurologist has never heard of ME. He's having a hard time understanding why "chronic fatigue" is taking me down on so many different levels that don't seem related. I'm printing this list out for my next appointment.

    1. I understand your frustration Grace. Best of luck to you.
