Monday, June 6, 2016

5 Year Anniversary

Yesterday was my five year anniversary of having ME/CFS.  As almost every patient says on their anniversary: that happened fast!  At the same time, sometimes it almost feels like it is hard to remember a time when I didn't have to manage this illness.

I'm basically at the same place I was last year at the 4 year mark:  I have improved somewhat, stabilized really, since first getting ME/CFS, but any hope of recovering based on current treatment options is mostly gone.  If it was going to happen, it would have happened already.  So the treatments I'm trying these days are more geared toward managing the illness and hopefully preventing it from getting worse -- a main focus here is preventing the gradual buildup of toxins and oxidation in a body whose detoxification mechanism is broken.  My doctor believes this kind of build-up can hit a critical mass and cause irreversible crashes.

I continue to be hopeful that medical advances will lead to significantly better treatments and possibly even a cure in my lifetime.


  1. Passed my five year anniversary as well last year -- don't give up hope, I've seen some gains both in mold avoidance and doing heavy metal chelation. Stanford online Pacing course was also helpful.

  2. My four year anniversary is coming as well. I might gave tried a 1000 different things to get better. I can't say any of them helped. But scientific researches are bigger and faster than 5 years ago. So I am hopeful as well..

  3. I just found your blog today and posted on your SNP piece but am reposting my story here in case it can help anyone. Also, I re-read this to help better understand, accept, and adapt
