Friday, January 22, 2016

This guy nailed the Th1/Th2 dominance question...

I've never come across his blog before (because it's not specific to ME/CFS), but a blogger named Joseph Cohen of SelfHacked did a pretty darned masterful job of explaining the differences between Th1 dominance and Th2 dominance, and the different strategies that that can be used to counteract each.

When you think about it, it can be absolutely critical to identify which dominance you have because your whole treatment plan could potentially be counter-productive if you assume incorrectly.  I have always assumed I am Th2 dominant because (a) my understanding is that most ME/CFS patients are, and (2) Dr. C told me so.

As I started reading the article, I actually recognized aspects of myself in both profiles, Th1 and Th2. For instance, I do have arguably low T3 thyroid hormone despite otherwise normal thyroid tests.   But in the end, I decided I'm still pretty sure I'm still Th2 dominant.  The clincher is that low IgG subclass 3 is a hallmark of Th2 dominance, as is low Natural Killer Cell function.  That's me, exactly.

In any event, if you want to increase your understanding of this tricky concept, here's a great read:

1 comment:

  1. I am still skeptical of this concept, unfortunately. Anything convince you to dial down on it as a path to follow?
