Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Negative for MARCONS, positive for Staph

One of my doctors (Dr. M) and I have recently been trying to figure out why my two strongest symptoms over the last six months have been nasal congestion and shortness of breath.  These two symptoms always flare up together.  It's as if inflammation hits both areas (sinuses and lungs) at the same time, and usually lasts for 24-48 hours before abating.  Even when it is abated, my lungs always seem to have a slight feeling of air hunger these days.

Dr. M gave me a nasal swab test.  (This involved sticking a Q-tip up my nose "2 to 4 inches"!)  She was looking to diagnose exactly what kind of bacteria had taken up residence in my nasal passages. In particular, she was looking for MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci).

A few minutes ago I received a call from my doctor's office stating that I am negative for MARCoNS but "positive for other Staph infection consistent with mold exposure."  It was the office manager calling to give me this information, so it's not clear if the conclusion that the results are "consistent with mold exposure" actually came from my doctor.  For reasons that are too complicated to go into in this post, I have always been skeptical that biotoxins play a role in my illness.

My next appointment will be interesting because I'm very curious to see where Dr. M wants to go with my treatment plan.  For the most part, the first year I've been with her has been focused on various diagnostic tests.  We haven't even gotten to a treatment plan yet!


  1. Patrick there will be a free lecture by the famous CFS Dr. a Dr. David Bell this December 6 at the Tustin Library, California at 2:30. Also I am staging a screening of the Forgotten Plague this December 9 at Anaheim Hills, 12:30 pm

    Click on this link for info, www.tugg.com/events/44775

    Harvey Carden

  2. I give All thanks to Dr Alegbe,I got the cure for staph from Dr alegbe,i got his contact from the internet,and i mailed him and promise him that if his medication can cure me completely,I will tell the world about him,he gave me his medication which i used from two weeks,and now am cure from the problem of staph,he also has the cure to Weak Erection in men
    Pile and Epilepsy so any body with such problem can contact him on alegbe3@gmail.com

  3. This testimony may help someone who is suffering from STAPH infection.
    My son had this problem for 2years and some months, I was not serious about it because i was not always at home until a Doctor friend advise me about it that if i do not treat it on time it is going to affect his sexual performance such as WEAKNESS OF ERECTION, LOW SPERM COUNT, WATERY SPERM, Just a few to mention, which he told me not to waste money on English medicine that it will work but it does not kill the root of the problem that i should go for herbal medicine which i found Dr. Leonard more effective on internet and his product really cure my son. He is now proud to be around his friends.
    contact him on drleonard288@gmail.com.
