Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Prostatitis - Probably Not Bacterial After All

I went back to my urologist about two weeks ago and told him that the prostatitis was still there after a month of various antibiotics, just as bad as ever.  It tends to wax and wane, but mostly it just hangs around.  We reviewed the fact that the Bactrim didn't work, the Levaquin didn't work, and the Omnicef didn't work.  I suggested that it might not be a bacterial infection.  He said he's not convinced of that.  So as one final measure, he prescribed an additional month of Doxycycline.

Well, I'm about two weeks into that month-long course of Doxycycline, and the prostatitis is just as bad as ever.  I'm now convinced that this is not a bacterial issue.  Something tells me this has to be related to ME/CFS.  When my body-wide inflammation gets worse, i.e. a crash, the prostatitis gets worse.  I'm starting to accept that fact that this issue might not go away any time soon--that it might be another long-term symptom that I have to deal with as part of ME/CFS.

If that's what it is, I can accept that.  The worst part of having a new symptom is the not knowing what you're dealing with.  Once I get that figured out, I have something to research and focus treatment on.  It's the not knowing that's the worst.


  1. Thanks for you post. This may be interest to you... Back in 2006 (about 2 years into my CFS), I started having a lot of prostate pain as well. I was put on a 10 day Doxy course and it made absolutely no difference. I didn't take anymore and the symptoms continued on/off for another 6 months. But over time, they miraculously went away on their own and I haven't really had them in years! I'm not sure what the root cause is; but the underlying inflammation in CFS and cytokine storms could very well play a role here.

    Wish you the best!

    1. I can't thank you enough for this comment. That's exactly what I've been hoping will happen (that it will EVENTUALLY go away on its own), so it's really good to hear from someone else that it did for them. I've had many other symptoms both before and after ME/CFS that eventually sort of burned out and went away on their own, so it's not unreasonable to hope for that in this case. Again, really appreciate you letting me know...

  2. Patrick-Great to hear about all the trials and tribulations. I too have had all sorts of stomach issues along with CFS that turned out to be candida after all. Too bad the conventional GI doc I saw never thought of this until I pushed him on that issue. A stool test revealed it, and then diflucan (medication) did the trick. But only after 9 months on enduring a lot of discomfort on top of the CFS symptoms. I am coming up on 4 years now. Overall, like you, I have improved with a combination of medication, supplements, and management techniques. Always a juggling act when one works FT like we do. I really am interested on hearing how the interferon goes. Great to have a doctor like you do!!

    1. Hi Bret, it's good to hear from you. I had actually hoped maybe you had recovered and that's why I hadn't heard from you in a while, but no such luck I guess...

      Interesting about the Candida. I have found that while diet and Diflucan and probiotics helped me control it a little, it has been a constant problem. I don't think there's any way to get it fully under control with a weak immune system, so I'm shooting for "manageable" at this point - which I think it is.
