Friday, March 21, 2014

Updates from this weekend's Bay Area ME/CFS conferences

Starting Wednesday and running through the end of the weekend, the San Francisco Bay Area is hosting a series of ME/CFS conferences, starting with the Stanford CME Symposium, followed by the IACFS annual conference in San Francisco.

A friend of mine, blogging as Searcher, has posted a summary of yesterday's proceedings on Phoenix Rising.  She will continue to blog for PR throughout the weekend.  I think all patients should be keeping up with this weekend's events--they have such huge implications on our future.  It is a long summary, and everyone will likely find interest in different findings. 

If you're short on time or are too brain fogged to read the whole summary, I would skip ahead to the summary of Dr. Montoya's second presentation, about halfway down the page.  His cytokine study will be talked about endlessly in the months following.    

For a more paraphrased but perhaps more digestible series of Tweets, Cort Johnson is covering the same event and doing his usual superhuman thing:  Link.

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