Sunday, March 30, 2014

Anonymous comments now enabled

I recently realized that the only people that could comment on my blog were registered gmail users.  I've now changed that setting to allow anyone to comment, which means also that people may comment anonymously.

Of course, I will continue to filter comments before they post, so no spam or nasty comments will be posted.




  1. thank you for a great blog. i'm a regular reader. (i have not commented before because of the gmail user thing.) the last blog, with the summary of the IACFS conference, was very helpful. but really, they all are.

    i am so terribly sorry that you have to live with this wretched horrible illness. but since we both do, then i'm glad to have you in the trenches with me fighting on my side.


  2. Thanks for adding comments from folks without gmail. Enjoy your blog and the Iacfsme notes were very good and appreciated.

  3. Thank you. That's actually pretty helpful!! Looking forward to more of your insightful posts.

  4. I want to thank all three of you for those nice comments. I wish I would have been aware of this issue earlier. Better late than never!

  5. I too would like to lend my support to and appreciation of your blog. What you do is very important.


    1. Chris, thank you very much. The feeling is mutual - I am a big fan of your blog. In fact, I gave you a "shout out" in my blog post just below this one, at the bottom of the Notes from the IACFS conference. Thank you for your dedication and perspective.

    2. I just realized you were somehow NOT on my blog roll. That has been corrected.

    3. I check your blog every few weeks. I live in the uk and get more info from you than our health service. I am in a similar position to you. Male, young kids, working (just) and been ill for 2 years. Thanks for making the effort to keep us all updated. Rich

    4. Rich, thank you. I'm truly humbled.

  6. I love your blog posts and think that you are doing an phenomenal job educating the community of ways to cleverly optimize your life and improve your baseline and health despite the ME. This is a lovely creation born out of a nightmare. :)

    Thank you so much for writing, soldiering on, standing up, and giving us a voice!! We are grateful for your diligence and perseverance, you are a courageous member of our community. Keep writing and researching!
