Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Update on Nutrigenomics Treatment


Back in March of this year, I began a nutrigenomics plan to address the defects in the "methylation cycle" that appeared on genetic testing.  The process started with getting genetic testing from 23andME for $99, followed by running the results through a website called Genetic Genie, which analyzes only those specific genes that have been identified as affecting the methylation cycle - one of the body's detoxification systems that has been shown to be defective in ME/CFS patients.  Then, after reading the book and online forums of Dr. Yasko, I implemented a "nutrigenomics" plan to try to address my specific methylation cycle defects.

In the intervening 6 months, I have submitted a couple of urine and hair sample tests, which can be submitted via mail through Dr. Yasko's company.  The point of these tests is to further refine which supplements to take and in what amounts to address methylation issues.  In addition, there are a couple of home urine tests that I conduct on a weekly basis to track progress (more on that below).


These methylation supplements have taken longer to implement that I predicted at the outset.  I would have thought I'd have implemented all the supplements within a couple of months of when I started, but as it's turning out, I'm still in the middle of the process six months later.  The process is supposed to unfold in at least 3 steps.  First, you change your diet and add a series of "basic support supplements" -- these are supplements like multivitamins, magnesium, zinc, Vitamin-D, and different types of antioxidants.   I was done with that step by April and didn't notice any difference in how I felt, but didn't expect to either. 

Then before the next step, you're supposed to address "first priority" genetic mutations, if you have them.  I have one of them -- a so-called "CBS mutation," which leads to an excess build-up of sulfer and ammonia in the body.  So this requires reducing protein in the diet (which I only did very slightly) and taking a couple of supplements that flush the body of excess sulpher and ammonia.  I could track the progress of this with home urine sulfate tests, which eventually showed when I was ready to move on.  

Finally in about July, I was ready to move on to addressing the actual methylation cycle defects.  This step is broken down into two phases.  Dr. Yasko describes that the body has two ways of making the powerful antioxidant glutathione -- which is the end result of a functioning methylation cycle.  The first is a "short cut" chemical reaction, and the second is the "long route" chemical reaction.  If the methylation cycle is working properly, both routes are producing glutathione.  Dr. Yasko recommends that patients address the short cut first.  

I had the short cut supplements implemented by about early July.  These supplements include an phospholipid complex called, for short, "PS/pc/pe," and DHA (which I was already taking).  An optional third supplement was an RNA Supplement called "Methylation Support RNA." This supplement is expensive and there is some controversy about the efficacy of Yasko's RNA supplements, so although I tried it, I didn't renew when the bottle ran out in 3 weeks. 

By late July, I experienced a noticeable uptick in my health.  My daily health rating for August was the highest month yet by more than a 3% increase, which on my health chart system is a huge increase. Previous increases were typically small fractions of 1%.  So I'm wondering now if this PS/pc/pe complex was a key component of this improvement.  Of course, one month of improvement could be an anomaly, so we'll have to wait and see.  

In the mean time, I've started adding long route methylation supplements, namely the hydroxy- and adenosyl- forms of Vitamin B12, but there are other supplements to be added so it will be a while before I know these "long route" methylation supplements will help.   


  1. Pat, did you take TMG to support the shortcut?

    1. Chris, I don't think I took TMG to support the shortcut, unless that's an abbreviation for something that I'm not recognizing.

  2. "Using the clock metaphor that I mentioned earlier, the BHMT enzyme uses the biochemicals phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl choline, and TMG as substrates to go directly from homocysteine at 6:00 to methionine at 12:00, skipping 7:00 P.M. through 11:00 P.M. This shortcut (also called the “back-door reaction”) generates more norepinephrine relative to dopamine, leading to imbalances that have been implicated in ADD and ADHD behaviors."
