Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I have a high temperature...which is good!

I had a good day all of yesterday -- well above my baseline. Then at night, I started feeling really weird, with a headache and body aches and what felt like a fever.  It almost felt like how I used to feel when I got sick, which is somehow different than now with ME/CFS, even though I would describe both symptom sets as "flu-like."  So I took my temperature preparing for it to be a disappointing 97.2 again, but it actually got up to 99.6!   I was very happy about this. Dr. C has always told me it would be a good sign if I ever got an honest to goodness fever - which I think that qualifies.  It is apparently a sign that the immune system is fighting back.

This morning my temperature was back down to 98.7, which is still very high for my post-ME/CFS self, especially for the morning.  But it's not technically a fever anymore. So who knows, but maybe this means something good and maybe it doesn't?  

I am encouraged simply because I have never had any temperature this high since before I came down with ME/CFS.  Every time I thought my temperature was high, it would turn out to be low -- usually in the low 97s if not in the high 96s.  So this low body temperature has always been a hallmark of ME/CFS for me; an objective, tangible measurement of one thing that makes ME/CFS different than all my previous, non-chronic illnesses.  If that has somehow changed...well, I can't get ahead of myself yet.

Since I'm out of paid time off (PTO) for the year, except for two days which I'm saving for later, I still dragged myself into work today, which is fun.  

This is like a trophy photo for me. I'm quite proud of it.


  1. I remember the low-temperature days. I wish I could remember how I got my temp up and I'd share. I know I tried things like cayenne pepper in a glass of water (hello heartburn), and eating consistently throughout the day (which I think helped a lot).

    But I do feel that when I get sick my temperature doesn't get high enough, or doesn't stay high long enough.

    1. Hi Greyson. Nice to hear from you.

      Well, like you, my high temperature didn't last very long. I wish it had stayed high longer, but by Wednesday I was back to baseline. No noticeable improvement from having had the temperature either.

  2. Patrick-Happy Friday. I did want to get back to you regarding the saline IV that I did have yesterday morning. I do have to say I am seeing a bit of improvement, both in brain clarity and some energy. Not transformational, but enough to notice. And, enough to get on a seried of these infusions. Doc wants me to try 6 of these, one each week and then determine how long the benefits last. Hey, any improvement is huge, and this is benign given it is basically salt water. It works better than just drinking it since it is going directly into your bloodstream and not filtered out. Any more feedback on the adderall?

    1. Hey Bret, that sounds really encouraging. if it works out for you, I might try them too, as long as the cost it's too outlandish.

      And I've been meaning to drop by your comment in the Adderall/Vyvanse post and say thanks for your input. I've been meaning to do an update post on the adderall.

      Hope you are doing well. Happy Friday.
