Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Meet Ryan Prior

This story has been making the rounds of the ME/CFS forums.  A young would-be filmmaker and PWME, Ryan Prior, is making a film about ME/CFS.  His Opinion piece from USA Today College is worth reading.

Reactions to his effort seem to be mixed--everything from unfettered support to cautious skepticism. Anytime someone tries to capture this complex and poorly understood illness in single work, there's going to be concerns about under-representation of severity levels, origin theories, etiologies, symptoms, and treatments options.  In some sense, under-representation is probably inevitable.  But it seems Prior has been fairly successful at convincing people, so far, that he will present a broad picture of what this illness is all about.


  1. Hey Patrick, greetings. It never ceases to amaze me the stories of people in their prime struck down by this illness, and how little the medical community pays attention to it. For me I know something is broken down when I can sleep for 9 hours and still be tired a few hours into my day. The body just can't revive with sleep like it once did. But, I sense some momentum building after seeing what has been out there the past 6 months....medical advances and more publicity on CFS. Thanks again for getting these messages out to us!

  2. Hi Bret, it is amazing, isn't it? That nobody is really paying attention to ME/CFS? I'm not sure that efforts like Ryan's will make much of a difference, as I think the only people that will really watch it are ME/CFS patients, but I hope he proves me wrong.


