Thursday, May 2, 2013

Meditation: the evidence keeps mounting

The evidence keeps mounting for the health benefits of meditation. Here is perhaps the best article I've seen on the health benefits of meditation. Apparently, meditation changes one's genes toward more healthy genetic expression.

Frankly, my past forays into the world of meditation have never lasted very long. It can be quite frustrating to try to tune out everyday thoughts, but the experts say it gets easier with practice. I really need to commit to meditation again. My plan is to stop watching TV while I'm in the sauna and use that time instead to meditate.


  1. Thanks for this, even more so because directly relevant to us: "improving the efficiency of mitochondria".

    I struggled to start meditation for years, and finally got going during my sauna sessions. Worked for me.

    1. Thanks Damien. That's really interesting that someone else used their sauna time as a good time to meditate. It makes a lot of sense. Wish I had thought of it earlier.

  2. I find listening to a guided meditation really helps me. There's lots of free guided meditations online the one I use most is a body scan CD I actually paid for! Its the best one I've come across, no weird music or anything just someone calling out prompts like a yoga teacher.

    1. I agree Miriam. There was a CD that came with a book I ordered and it has some excellent guided meditations by Jack Kornfield, who's a very well renowned Buddhist teacher. I didn't know about the free ones online. I will look for those. Thanks!
