Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is the Rifampin working?

I wrote in an earlier post that my ME/CFS specialist, Dr. C, recommended a drug called Rifampin that has been shown to "correct" the flagging immune systems of some PWMEs.  Dr. C prescribes a one week course of the drug.  When it works, the patient usually develops a flu about one to two weeks after starting the drug (so, sometime after finishing it).   I started Rifampin two weeks from yesterday.

I woke this morning feeling crashed and flu-ish.  My wife asked, "could it be from that medicine?"  To be honest, I had forgotten about the Rifampin when nothing happened after about 10 days.  Just another failed experiment, I figured.  Plus, it seems like months ago that I took Rifampin.  I had to check and recheck my calendar to verify that it wasn't.

I dragged myself in to work today and, as I started to feel worse and worse, I gained more and more hope that this could be it.  This could be the flu that resets my immune system.  I'm perspiring on a cold day!  I'm achy all over!  I can barely sit up in my desk chair!  Sniffles!  Surely I have a fever.  Hallelujah!

...until I took my temperature with a spare thermometer from my desk drawer.  97.7.

I suppose that this "flu" that Dr. C speaks of might not require a fever, per se, but somehow I doubt it.  Probably this is just another crash...the worst in months.

As of yesterday, I was scheduled to examine witnesses in two all-day depositions today and tomorrow, but thankfully they were postponed late yesterday afternoon.  I would have been in a "world of hurt" if I were trying to take a deposition today.  Now, I just have to hold on for the next two hours, pick up my daughter from daycare, drive home and get in bed.

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