Tuesday, February 26, 2013

On a mission

Do you ever get in one of those cycles where you're sort of reinvigorated to research treatments?  Ever since I started reading Dr. Yasko's book on methylation treatments, I seem to have caught a 'second wind.'  I wish I could stay home from work today and spend all day finishing the book and organizing a step-by-step plan to implement Dr. Yasko's treatment program, tailored to my genetic results.  When I catch on to something that I truly believe will help me take another step toward improvement, it becomes hard to get it out of my mind.  I'll write more on it later, but I am convinced that methylation (or lack thereof) is a key to improved health for me.

I'll explain why soon....


  1. lol I do this too.

    I go into periods, lasting from days to weeks, where seemingly every free minute is spent researching CFS remedies.

    For me this is largely based on how I'm feeling, and how I've recenlty been feeling.

    So if I've been feeling great, then go into a downturn that I can't shake, I end up doing a days and sometimes weeks of research.

    But when CFS times are good, I barely give CFS a thought.

    1. Haha, I'm glad it's not just me Greyson. And my patterns are the same as yours. When I'm feeling well, CFS is the one of the last things on my mind. I stop blogging as often too.

  2. I know you haunt the Phoenix Rising boards but just in case you missed it here is Rich's version:

    I tried it for a while and did see some improvement on it. Right now I'm taking methylB12 in shot form and it is working even better than Rich's sublingual formula. Just be careful because it can mess with your potassium levels. I've had to take large doses of potassium if I miss a dose of the methyl supplements.

    BTW, the compression stocking rock! I managed to stand all through cooking dinner today and normally I have to sit down while cooking. Woohoo!!

    1. Hey Baffled. Funny you mention Rich's protocol. I had previously tried another of the simplified methylation protocols (Fredd's active B12 protocol) for most of last year and it didn't help. I was going to switch to Rich's protocol this month, but then I realized that I've already done the genetic testing, so I might as well do a full methylation protocol.

      Now that I'm studying this topic, it makes sense why the simplified protocol didn't work for me. About 40% of CFS patients have the CBS mutation. (I do) Unless we address that issue first, all the B12 we take won't matter because it goes right down the "CBS drain"...according to Yakso.

      I hear you about the potassium levels. My worst crashes have been when I took B12 and not enough potassium with it. Absolutely *crushing* brain fog.

      LOL about the compression socks. Fantastic! Cook on! So glad the B12 in shot form is working well for you. I tried that early on but just couldn't get used to injecting myself. lol

    2. Oh my son and hubs get to inject me. Much to their delight, I might add. :)
