Monday, January 21, 2013

Link: Comparing leading exercise advice for ME/CFS

I'm going to blatantly borrow another blog topic from Sue Jackson, whose blog post from Saturday linked to another blogger (Jennie Spotila) who wrote a great post comparing the exercise recommendations of Dr. Klimas to those the the Pacific Fatigue Lab.  It's another must-read article in my opinion.  

1 comment:

  1. I was reading through the article last night (browsing really since I'm not very good at reading anymore) and I got to the part about figuring out the upper heart rate limit for exercising. Mine is supposed to be 85bpm but just sitting in my docs office gets it up to 97bpm without any exercise at all other than walking down a short hallway. No wonder I'm stuck in the house all the time. Just sitting up gets my heart rate through the roof. BTW, prior to my contracting CFS I was weight lifting and figure skating competitively. My resting heart rate was in the 70s and when I really went tearing round the rink I could easily get it up to 140bpm. I think climbing a set of stairs would do that to me now and also put me in bed for a month afterwards. Ugh.
