Monday, December 31, 2012

NYE in the ER

It looks like I'm going to be spending New Year's Eve in the ER. I'm there now and it's only an hour before midnight with no sign of release any time soon.

I've been having severe shortness of breath all week. Then tonight it got REALLY bad, as in, it felt like I was suffocating. I have no idea why because my fatigue has not been too bad this week.

Along with the SOB, my hands and feet got cold and tingly, and my face went numb (and still is). So here I am in a hospital bed pecking away at my phone while my wife is at home with the baby. You'd think I'd be upset about this, but I'm trying to be a good sport about it and not worry too much. The good news is that 2013 can only get better from here.

Have a happy new year everyone.


  1. good luck. hope all goes well!!

  2. Totally understand! I've spent two NYEs in the ER. 2010/2011, pre-ME, because of a vasovagal syncope collapse and 2011/2012 when my ME really kicked into high gear (but they thought I had malaria). I was just happy to be alive to see the new year. :)
