Friday, December 14, 2012

My one year blog-iversary

It was one year ago today that I launched this little blog.  A year and 147 posts later (and a few unfinished drafts) and I'm lucky to be still at it.  Of course, at the time I started, I was hoping that I would never make it this far because I'd be cured and move on with my life.  But barring that, I'm very fortunate and happy that I've had a chance to connect with so many other great people through this blog and other ME/CFS websites.

Looking back at my first post, I wrote about all the reasons I chose to start this blog.  Most of them were personal--everything from keeping my immediate family informed to making a record of my research.  Have you ever been researching an ME/CFS issue and suddenly gotten a feeling of deja vu?  Then you read a little further and you realize, "yes, yes I've definitely been to this webpage before.  I'm going in circles; I'm relearning things I've already learned"?  Well, that was another reason I started this blog; to keep track of what I'd already learned.  It was sort of my ME/CFS "Pinterest" account, before I had ever heard of Pinterest.

My point is, all my reasons were, at first, personal.

A year later and there's this whole new dimension to blogging that I didn't expect: connecting with great people.  There are so many smart, interesting, capable people with ME/CFS, and I'm always amazed at how willing they are, generally, to take the time to express concern and compassion and to share ideas with someone they've never met in real life.  So I want to thank all of you who I've met, not just through my blog, but throughout the ME/CFS internet.  It's been real.


  1. Congratulations on your blogoversary, Patrick! I am glad you started this blog - I've learned a lot from you! 147 posts in a single year is a lot!

    And you are totally right about the wonderful, compassionate people - I was stunned and pleased by that as well.


    Live with CFS

    1. Thank you, Sue. I really appreciate that. I've learned from one of the best. Yours was one of the blogs that I took my inspiration from (and still do) when I started. I now have a greater appreciation for how much dedication goes into putting out as much solid content as you do. So thank you.

  2. I am amazed that you, a working attorney, husband, and dad are able to write so often on this blog, that is an incredible help to all who read it!

    Congratulations....and Thank you!

    I am praying your lack of entries since this one means you are enjoying holiday activities with your family.


    1. Thanks Cris. I appreciate the support. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks for all the work you put into this blog Patrick. It helps so much to communicate with others in the same boat, and see what works/does not work. Few others can relate to the journey we are on, except those here. All the best this holiday season, and take in the moments with your family. May 2013 be one of joy for all of us here.

    1. I agree, it does help tremendously to communicate with others who can relate to what we're dealing with. Thanks Bret.

      Happy Holidays to you and your family as well, and good luck to you on your journey toward better health in 2013.
