Friday, July 20, 2012

Promising research on blood flow and muscle problems in ME/CFS

It's seems the ME/CFS blogosphere reports on new studies nearly every week, so it's sometimes difficult to get excited about any one study.  But, I'm usually able to muster a little more excitement when the researcher attempts to identify actual solutions to, not just causes of ME/CFS.

In the research outlined here, Dr. Julia Newton states that she and her team have identified certain medications (not yet revealed) that help the bodies of PWMEs improve blood flow and eliminate the buildup of acid in the muscles.  Newton believes that blood flow problems and muscle problems are central to ME/CFS. 


  1. I hate it when they don't reveal what the answers are or worse yet it is some esoteric treatment. One study I saw a few months back showed improvement in CFS patients when they had a series of Slow Turtle massages. HUH????

    1. Yeah, I hate that too Baffled. I hope in this case there's a good reason. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  2. lol Slow Turtle massages. That made my day.

  3. Interesting read. I can attest to this in a way, judging by how I feel after minimum exercise. Having been an endurance athlete not that long ago, I know the feeling of tired muscles after pro longed exertion. I am amazed after running 1.75 miles on the treadmill at a jogging pace (my max for now) how I I did in my healthy state doin 4x that distance. I had no time for a few doctors who just said this was gradually work up to longer distances. Well, anytime I push it up to 2 miles, I really feel it (the fine line of the crash I guess). Just can't generate the energy anymore, although the NT factor has helped me a bit! Thanks for that suggestion Patrick! Started Immunostim 3 weeks ago....some improvement there as well. I owe you! Wish my doctor would have mentioned these....
