Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Looking for a little feedback on the blog format

I can't decide which version of my blog I like better, the old or new one.  I've considered going back to the old one, or possibly creating a third version.  I personally think the image at the top of this new version is funny, in a corny way, but I wonder if some people might find it inappropriate for a serious topic like ME/CFS.

I would really appreciate if you would vote in the box on the right.

[Edit: Well, after doing a little market research with my family and friends, I decided to go back to the old look.]


  1. I find your humor a tonic - here, as well and in the fabulous "Downfall" parody and those high-fiving supplement peddlars.

    I hope you're feeling better.

    1. p.s. I apologize for my garbled English above. It was the end of a groggy day.

    2. Haha. It was perfectly understandable to me, Carola. We must be on an ME/CFS wavelength. :)

      Thanks so much for the feedback!

  2. While I kind of prefer the old format for some inexplicable reason, I love the pic at the top of the new one. I come here because of your wonderful sense of humor. You've had me laughing so hard I'm in tears and that is such an awesome thing when battling this horrible illness.

    1. Thank you so much, Baffled. I really appreciate your feedback.
