Friday, May 11, 2012

Further information on Th1/Th2 imbalance...

I recently came across this article describing Dr. Cheney's theory of Th1/Th2 imbalance.  It is remarkably similar to my doctor's explanation (Dr. C), but adds a few interesting twists.

What's great about this article is is that it suggests six other supplements/prescriptions that can help shift the immune system back to the Th1 side.  (None of them are Equilibrant).  So it's good to know that I have other options if the Equillibrant fails; or, options to add to the Equilibrant if the Equilibrant works but doesn't take me completely into remission.


  1. HI Patrick,
    great blog you have and its interesting to read about the treatments you are trying and how its working out for you. Keep us updated on how the Equilibrant works out. I may give it a go myself soon!
    all the best,

    1. Thanks Dan! I'll definitely let you know how the Equilibrant works out.
