Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Suspending LDN....for now

Unfortunately, I am going to suspend the low dose naltrexone (LDN) experiment....for now. I have been on a moderate crash since Wednesday, which is about when I started taking the LDN. The crash and the LDN may be completely unrelated--in fact I think they probably are--but I can't take the chance.  Even if I only have a slight suspicion that a treatment is making me worse, it is extremely difficult to push forward with that treatment in spite of the suspicion.

Unfortunately, a trio of old symptoms which I thought had been resolved, have returned with this crash: shortness of breath, swollen tongue, and G.I. distress. None of these are normally reported side effects of LDN.  I have also experienced the usual side effect of LDN: insomnia.

If/when I return to normal functioning within the next few weeks, I plan to eventually resume the LDN and see if these symptoms return. For now, I'm disappointed, especially since I was doing so well before this crash. I almost wonder if I got too greedy and should have simply left well enough alone and not taken the LDN. There's always a temptation, when we get a little better, to push ahead and try to improve even further. It seems many times, we end up backsliding instead.  Having said that, I'm not ready to write off LDN.  I will give it another chance in the future.  If it fails me again, I will probably drop it at that time.

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