Sunday, February 26, 2012

Big Crash

Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of one of the worst crashes I have yet experienced.  Even getting out of bed to go to the bathroom or kitchen is a big effort.

I'm not exactly sure what caused this crash because there are two obvious possibilities.  The first is that I am experiencing B12 protocol start-up symptoms, as I'd been warned about.  The other possibility is that I simply caught the cold/flu that my wife and daughter have been struggling with all week.  Actually, I think this second possibility is more likely because I have other symptoms consistent with a cold/flu, like a raging sore throat and a stuffy nose.  It seems very unlikely that I will be able to go to work tomorrow at this rate.

The only good thing about this crash is that it came on a weekend, and apparently - and I never knew this - the TV airwaves are full of movie matinees on Sunday.  I'm trying to decide between The Replacements and Rocky III right now...

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