Friday, January 27, 2012

Keeping Track of My Supplements

Like most of us, I take a ton of dietary supplements:  Vitamins and mitochondrial support in the morning and mid-day (so as not to interfere with sleep), and minerals/herbs at night.  Prescription drugs as directed, of course.  While the routine quickly becomes second nature, I still find myself pausing occasionally to remember what I'm supposed to take at a particular time of day...especially in the morning, when my brain isn't yet fully engaged.

I wanted to make the whole process completely mindless, almost automated.  So I purchased a package of small colored dot stickers at an office supply store.  I assigned one color to morning, one to mid-day, and one to night.  

I love this system.  It has eliminated the mental taxation from my daily supplement routine, and I would recommend it to anyone.  Well, maybe not to the color-blind.    

1 comment:

  1. I just write on the lids with a sharpie. Dosing is my biggie. I can never remember how many to take. As for time of day, I've made three lines of pill jars. One for morning, one for multidosing and one for evening. Colored dots are a good idea but I could see myself forgetting which are which ;-)
