Saturday, January 14, 2012

Candida Diet

I started a Candida diet yesterday, and I am enjoying the thought that, with each passing day, I am killing more yeast.  Since I was already adhering to a low carb diet, the transition was smooth.  After all, the Candida diet is a low carb diet, with a handful of additional restrictions.  As it turns out, before starting the Candida diet, I was continuing to eat a few foods that were probably feeding the yeast.  The worst culprit was vinegar--which is ubiquitous in condiments and salad dressings (including the creamy kinds, like Ranch) and anything pickled.  Others included peanuts, seeds, and mushrooms, all of which can carry various types of mold that encourage the yeast.

There are dozens of Candida diets on the internet, and the basics of each are essentially the same.  Most are phased, gradually introducing new foods as you begin to win the battle against your yeast.  (Most are also vague about when you should transition from one phase to another!)  But there are also some significant differences.  A few recommend starting with...I'm not kidding here...a coffee enema.  Others insist that the first stage must begin with a liver cleanse.  For me, I'll start with the plan recommended in the book The Yeast Syndrome, by Trowbridge & Walker (which seems to be the Candida bible).  The Yeast Syndrome plan combines prescription drug treatment (check), with diet (check), and "holistic approach"....  I'll admit I need to do some further reading on the holistic aspect, but I hope it doesn't involve ordering Starbucks in an enema bag!


  1. Thanks for info. Some home remedies for yeast infection are made to kill off the yeast. One such method is by using yogurt. Not only is yogurt good to eat, but it has good bacteria in it that eat yeast.

  2. Thanks Sam. I've been eating a ton of unsweetened yogurt. I can tell it's helping.

    Appreciate the link.
